In the Media
Midcoast ECO works to raise awareness about important issues affecting the Midcoast. Here are some news articles we've helped generate, as well as others that are important resources for public reference:
Closed county meetings subvert public’s right to know
Half Moon Bay Review, July 28, 2020
San Mateo Daily Journal, September 22, 2019
KHMB Radio - Coastal Windage "Shooting the Breeze"
KHMB Radio, June 21, 2019
KHMB Feature Story of the Week - JQ Oeswein
KHMB Radio, May 30, 2019
Despite fire after fire, Paradise continued to boom — until California's worst wildfire hit
LA Times, November 13, 2018
Here’s your chance to shape public transit on coast
Half Moon Bay Review, Op/Ed, April 11, 2017
Traffic, erosion, homelessness among priorities
Half Moon Bay Review, Local News Stories, January 17, 2017
Proposed MidPen High Density Housing Development in Moss Beach - Habitat Destruction
Half Moon Bay Review - Talkabout, December 14, 2016
Montara bluffs reveal WWII Allied secrets
Half Moon Bay Review, November 30, 2016
Residents want affordable housing where it makes sense
Half Moon Bay Review, Jul 20, 2016
MidPen to present concept designs for Moss Beach
Half Moon Bay Review, Jul 1, 2016
Opposition to MidPen plan is about Density
Half Moon Bay Review, June 1, 2016
MidPen must not be paying attention
Half Moon Bay Review, May 24, 2016
MidPen concept based on outdated planning ideals
Half Moon Bay Review, Matters of Opinion, Apr 13, 2016
Resist Density, put housing where it belongs
Half Moon Bay Review, April 6, 2016
Mid-Peninsula Housing Open House
Half Moon Bay Review, Mar 16, 2016
MidPen Housing expresses interest in Moss Beach land
Half Moon Bay Review, Jan 13, 2016