January 19, 2020
The San Mateo County Planning Commission will meet January 22 to consider recommending approval of the MidPen Housing’s oversized Cypress Point project proposed for Moss Beach. The time is now to show up and share your concerns! The community has been misled - This isn’t just a zoning change, it’s to streamline approval of the entire project without adequate environmental review! We are alarmed by the low level of scrutiny and information provided on this proposal, particularly regarding the scope of what is really up for approval. Resist Density recognizes the need for affordable housing, and urges the building of housing to be focused in urban centers where there is adequate infrastructure, and sufficient services, schools, shopping, local jobs, community offerings, public transit and walkability. Many questions the community has raised about these points with Midpen’s application are still unanswered. Plus, there are numerous comment letters by agencies, experts and individuals, including several submissions by Resist Density, that are not even included in the staff report to the Planning Commission.